Sanitary surveys are required periodic inspections of public drinking water systems to assess their capacity to provide safe drinking water. Depending on the classification of the system, a drinking water system is required by the State of Alaska to have a sanitary survey completed every 3 or 5 years. The survey consists of an on-site inspection of the system infrastructure, management, and operations, which results in a written report complete with schematics, maps and a photo log.
While the State of Alaska Drinking Water Program will occasionally perform this inspection for a very affordable fixed fee, most sanitary surveys are completed to Drinking Water Program specifications by approved 3rd party sanitary survey inspectors, such as ourselves.
Taiga Engineering, LLC strives to provide affordable, high quality sanitary surveys to Alaskans.
Engineering Design Work
Modifications to Public Drinking Water Systems must be approved by the State of Alaska Drinking Water Program, which usually requires submission of engineered plans for state review prior to making changes. This can be a somewhat expensive and slow process for modifications that might seem simple and time sensitive. We work to help make this process as straight-forward and inexpensive as possible – especially for minor changes. While we are happy to design a new water treatment process for you, where we really try to stand out from larger firms is our ability to keep a simple modification simple.
Small & Weird Engineering Solutions
Engineering, at its most satisfying, is the creative application of existing products and concepts in the service of solving new and unique challenges. Interior Alaska provides no end of opportunity for creative problem solving. We have enjoyed helping clients devise solutions for these small but significant problems that seem to fall through the cracks. Projects of this type have been as varied as installing a heated driveway gutter to divert winter rain away from a client’s downhill garage to developing a microcontroller interface to allow a client to remotely control their Toyotomi Heater with a smart thermostat. Give us a call and we can see if it makes sense for us to help you develop a solution. We are happy to brainstorm with you for free and work with you to find a reasonable fee structure.